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My April (2014 Version)

It’s been an eventful year with great of ups and great downs (as My April in 2013 mentioned), and I think the journey will continue on the next year of my life. A month ago, I learnt that I’m in a bit of a predicament: I have an invisible counting-down clock on top...


Quick Reflection in January 2014

How was your January, everybody? Has it been a great start for you? Are you still on track on your new year resolution or is it a forgotten memory? It's alright if it's the latter, making a year-long promise for something you didn't do very thoughtfully is perhaps...


Enjoying Quality Jazz at Red and White Lounge

Indonesia has its share of very, very talented jazz musicians. Thankfully, this group of selected few continually cultivate jazz musical talents to the next generation(s), which in turn increases jazz appreciation and inspiration among general public and musicians...

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