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My April (2011 Version)

When I read my April notes from last year (you can see it if you're my Facebook friend) at the beginning of this month, I feel encouraged at first. It’s been a year since my last state of being and sometimes it’s refreshing to look back on your past self and...


Machine Civilization / World Order

My newest Japanese admiration :) I have been in love with World Order's unique style of dance and catchy beats since the beginning, and I expect this affair to continue until many, many years in the future. Ja ne, Musank


Leaving a Part of Me in Paris, France

My EuroTrip is over. And two years from now, I still remember how special the trip was. Even though there are some things that are hard to get over with. It was my first ever EuroTrip, and I surely, sincerely wish it's not my last. The world is so rich that it's so...

La Tour Eiffel - Parc du Champ de Mars

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